Dance Moms fans have seen Nia Frazier tease tidbits about her new video for a bit now, and during Tuesday night’s episode, the full video was finally revealed. How are fans reacting to the clip for Nia’s first song, “Star in Your Own Life”?
Quite a bit of time has been spent on Nia’s pursuit of this first single and video in recent Dance Moms episodes. Frazier had shared quite a few updates on Instagram, as well, but Tuesday night was the first chance that fans had to see it all together. Nia shared the news of the release, and the link to the clip on YouTube, via Instagram Tuesday night.
In less than a day, Nia’s Instagram post about her new video garnered nearly 55,000 likes and almost 1,800 comments. The video itself on YouTube has registered about 60,000 views and 9,500 likes in the hours since its release. Nia has released both the original and a new remix version of “ Star in Your Own Life ” on iTunes, and fans are loving both the song and the video so far.
As Dance Moms viewers have seen, Nia and her mom, Holly , decided not to work with dance instructor Abby Lee Miller on this project. While Abby has been the lead on putting together singing projects by Mackenzie Ziegler, Kendall Vertes, and other projects featuring the girls, the Fraziers went in another direction. They connected with Danity Kane singer Aubrey O’Day, and they seem to love the end result.
Tuesday’s episode of Dance Moms showed the premiere party for Nia’s video, though many of the Abby Lee Dance Company ladies couldn’t make it due to a scheduling conflict. Despite Abby’s lack of support along the way, she did have some positives to share during the party. Of course, she had a few negatives she had to mention, as well.
There’s been quite a bit of drama between Abby and Holly this season. Despite that, Holly thanked Abby and the ALDC via Twitter Tuesday night, saying that without Abby and the dance studio, they would never have had their great video experience.
Abby didn’t respond to Holly’s tweet, nor has she referenced much about Nia’s video via Twitter. However, Miller did post one tweet, asking fans if they seriously thought she wouldn’t show up at the premiere party, noting that she’s a motivator and teacher. Many have noticed that she has shared a lot of tweets about Kendall’s song, though.
The second part of the Season 5 mid-season finale, featuring the last competition in Pittsburgh, airs on Tuesday, May 5. There’s sure to be more drama ahead in this episode of Dance Moms, and fans can’t wait to see it all play out. What did you think of Nia Frazier’s video for “Star in Your Own Life”?
[Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images ]