Two of the leading technology research companies are now one.
Forrester Research has bought JupiterResearch for $23 million, the companies are announcing this morning. Forrester will put Jupiter into its marketing and strategy sector. All 83 Jupiter employees are expected to be offered positions, adding to Forrester’s workforce of 1,000-plus.
Forrester made headlines earlier this week for its scathing report on Microsoft Vista , which compared the product to the failed New Coke marketing plan of the 80s and suggested users “consider following the lead of Microsoft’s most important partner Intel and re-evaluating the case for Vista.” The post immediately put Microsoft Vista blogger Chris Flores on the defense, calling the report “schizophrenic” and offering his own take.
Jupiter’s latest research, in contrast, has focused on the wireless industry forecast for the coming years and the profitability of movies on the Web.
All of Jupiter’s clients are currently being migrated over.