A coyote in Riverside Park — located in New York City — is loose, and authorities are trying to capture the wild animal. Police say the coyote was seen at about 5 a.m. Wednesday morning near the Hudson River between 96th and 79th streets at the park, CBS News reports.
Police were combing the area with snares to catch the animal. Other searchers involved emergency service units.
NYC Scanner posted a tweet about the coyote in Riverside Park drama that unraveled Wednesday morning.
“Manhattan: West 84 St & Riverside Drive NYPD Calling a Level 1 mobilization for a Coyote spotted in the park @NYPDSpecialops requested.”
“It’s real big. It’s a pretty good sized coyote.”
Daily News spoke with several residents and park visitors about the coyote. Many welcomed the animal — with one saying it made the area feel “less urban” and another said “we don’t do enough to preserve them.” Overall, a lot of people are intrigued by the coyote and not afraid of it.
CBS News reports that last week a coyote was loose in NYC. It was captured by police in a church courtyard in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood. A dart gun was used to shoot a tranquilizer into the animal. Animal Care and Control Facility of East Harlem picked up the animal for evaluation, then later released it.
According to the report, there are also multiple dens of coyotes in the suburban areas of New Jersey.
The coyote in Riverside Park apparently finds it a good place to settle for now.
[Photo Credit: NYPD 24th Precinct / Twitter]