A professional big game hunter was killed by an elephant in Africa Wednesday despite warnings of its aggression. According to Sunday Express , Ian Gibson died after being trampled to death by a male pachyderm during a hunt with a client in North Zimbabwe. Some sources report Gibson was on an ivory hunt while others say the man was scouting for lions. A colleague attempted to set the record straight.
Reportedly, 55-year-old Gibson, a well-known hunter, was with a tracker and client on the day he was trampled by an elephant. Apparently, they were trekking through an area of Chewore North when they spotted a young bull elephant. Suddenly, the animal charged the expedition party and attacked. Gibson was fatally wounded when the animal crushed him.
Now here is where some elements of the hunt are unclear. On the one hand, Telegraph reported that Chifuti Safaris, allegedly an employer of Gibson, says the avid hunter was “scouting for lions when he encountered the elephant .” Contrarily, Safari Classics refuted those claims. Dave Fulson, a spokesperson with the Dallas, Texas-based media, consulting, and safari booking company, slammed the media via Africa Hunting on reporting styles in the aftermath of Ian Gibson’s trampling death.
“The national feeds have kicked in and we are besieged by, and now rejecting interviews from outside the hunting community media. This is not entertainment or news fodder, it is the soul wrenching loss of a great man, friend, and hunter. Indeed our Facebook has been lit up by vicious comments and outright celebration by people with the usual agenda.”
“The report of stalking lion is incorrect, Ian and his tracker Robert were approaching a elephant [sic] bull in thick cover to judge ivory size when the wind shifted and brought a immediate [sic] charge from a determined bull.
“Our position is that the folks we, and Ian would have wanted to know, now do. The AH AR family is on that list.
“GOD BLESS for your prayers, calls, and support you have so generously shared. It will all be passed on.”
Despite conflicts in the game his client was seeking, most sources draw consensus on what likely set the deadly chain of events in motion. Apparently, the bull elephant that trampled the hunter to death was in a heightened sense of aggression referred to as “musth.” Experts say male elephants become aggressive when large amounts of testosterone are released, which signals their readiness to mate. During this time, they view other males, humans, and some species of animals as threats when they encroach their territory. Reportedly, when Gibson’s party came within close proximity, the wind suddenly shifted and allowed their scents to be detected, as Chifuti explains.
“The bull instantly turned and began a full charge. Ian and Robert began shouting in order to stop the charge. At very close range, Ian was able to get off one shot before the bull killed him. The scene was very graphic.”
News of the hunter’s fatal trampling comes on the heels of controversial photos posted on the internet of another big game hunter, as Inquisitr reported previously. Rebecca Francis is under fire again, and allegedly even receiving death threats, for her latest snap, which shows her lying beside the bloodied corpse of a giraffe . She insists that she takes part in culling game to assist conservation efforts and help sustain indigenous people, among other things.
“I believe that you should live life to the fullest with no regrets, and push yourself to the limit. If you don’t experience everything you can in life, you’ll miss out on some irreplaceable memories… life is so short and so wonderful that I don’t want to miss out on a single second.”
[Photo by Ian Walton/Getty Images]