A gunman was seen walking towards George Washington University from the direction of the White House. The United States Secret Service alerted GSU officials who in turn warned their faculty, students, and the parents of students attending the university.
University spokeswoman Michelle Sherrard stated that the university had utilized text messages, e-mail, and the popular social networking service Twitter to issue the alert regarding the potential gunman headed towards campus.
While the faculty, students, and parents were all alerted to the issue, the school did not go under lock-down.
The university released an e-mail Monday night indicating that the authorities had scoured the area around the university’s campus to no avail as no suspects were found as a result of their efforts.
Authorities specifically searched around George Washington University’s Foggy Bottom campus.
With all of the school shootings in recent years, including the Chardon High School shooting just last month, it would seem as if these disturbing atrocities have become somewhat of a fad.
It appears as if this potential gunman may have been thwarted by the authorities including the Secret Service who were quite possibly made aware of the gunman’s presence by their close proximity to the White House.
What do you think of all of these recent school shootings?