A mother-of-two was watching a History Channel documentary when she saw her photo flashed on the screen. The photo was taken by her former neighbor, Lonnie Franklin Jr., who is believed to be the serial killer called the “Grim Sleeper.”
The woman says that she was shocked to see the photo on the documentary about a serial killer and had never spoken to the Los Angeles Police Department. In fact, she says she had no idea how close she had come to being one of the victims until she saw the photo.
The Daily Mail reports that a woman, who only identified herself as “Mo”, was watching a documentary about the Grim Sleeper when she saw a photo her former neighbor, Lonnie Franklin Jr., had taken of her outside of her home appear in a series of photos of potential Grim Sleeper victims. The photos were taken from the serial killer’s home in 2010. Mo says that Lonnie lived next door to her in a Los Angeles neighborhood. She posed for the photo one day outside of her home.
However, she says she became leery of Lonnie after a strange encounter in his van. Mo says that Lonnie offered her a ride in his van one evening. Lonnie was a photographer, and wanted to show her some photos of women he had photographed in the past. Mo says the photos featured nude women who were laying in strange positions. Mo noted to Lonnie that the women appeared dead, but he said that they weren’t and that it was just the posing. Lonnie pushed for Mo to take photos in the same fashion and she eventually gave in when she noticed a gun in the back of the van .
“When he showed me the pictures I asked him why are they in weird positions, and they look dead. He told me they wasn’t [sic], that’s just how he have them take pictures.”
After the encounter, Mo says she was ashamed of the photos and never spoke of them again. However, when she saw her photo in the series of suspected murder victims, Mo contacted the Los Angeles Police Department to tell them her story. Mo says she knows she is lucky to be alive and could have easily been one of Franklin’s victims.
Lonnie Franklin Jr. has been accused of killing at least 10 women; however, the Los Angeles Police detectives now believe he may be responsible for as many as 230 missing persons and unsolved killings dating back to the mid-1970s.