The Real Housewives of Orange County star Vicki Gunvalson recently revealed that she lost her mother quite suddenly. During a regular work day, Vicki got a call telling her something was wrong, and her mother had unexpectedly passed away. The shocking news came as Vicki was filming The Real Housewives of Orange County, coping with Brooks Ayers’ cancer diagnosis and dealing with a lawsuit in regards to a failed vodka business venture. The last thing Vicki expected was to lose her mother while trying to navigate several other serious situations.
Vicki Gunvalson has been staying out of the spotlight for a while as she deals with the emotional pain of losing her mother. Vicki has already lost her father, and now she is without both of her parents. But Gunvalson does have an incredible support system. As she slowly regains her bearings, Vicki is starting to share her feelings and thoughts about all the recent tragedies and problems in her life.
According to a new EnStarz report, The Real Housewives of Orange County star Vicki Gunvalson is now revealing how she is coping with the loss of her mother. This week, Gunvalson posted a picture on Instagram, which showed her sitting on the beach near her hometown.
“It’s good, from time to time, to take time to reflect on your life. Yesterday would have been my dad’s 85th birthday & at the end of this beautiful day I’m comforted knowing for the first time in 17 years my mom spent it with him. Happy birthday Dad, I love and miss you mom! #togetherinheaven,” Vicki Gunvalson revealed as a caption to the photo.
While Vicki Gunvalson has been dealing with the loss of her mother, things haven’t slowed down for this active business mogul. Even though Gunvalson works primarily in insurance, she wants to try new things. And it sounds like Vicki wants to get her fans involved because she recently asked her Real Housewives of Orange County fans to get involved with a new fashion venture.
“Have you ever wanted to own a clothing boutique? Now you can! I’m searching for 20 passionate women to work with me to build an incredible fashion business,” Vicki posted on Facebook a few days ago. She must have had an incredible response as she followed up with, “Wow thank you all for the positive feedback on this new venture. I so excited to be able to share this with my fans and make a difference. We’re going through all the responses today and will respond as soon as possible!”
It is very possible that Vicki can do all of this because of the support from her partner, Brooks. According to the Inquisitr , Gunvalson and Ayers are back on and going strong.
What do you think of Vicki Gunvalson’s honest message about grieving?
[Image via Bravo ]