Larry Stylinson shippers – also known as Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson shippers – have been wondering about the reports about Larry Stylinson breaking up with Eleanor Calder are true. Fans are getting their hopes up after another report announced that Louis Tomlinson and his girlfriend of four years, Eleanor Calder, have finally broken up.
The Movie News Guide said that Tomlinson and Calder have decided to go their separate ways . Fans began to wonder why the One Direction cutie hasn’t been spotted with his girlfriend in the past few months. Tomlinson and Calder haven’t been spotted in recent paparazzi pics or Instagram photos.
The two were almost “inseparable,” according to the report. Louis and Eleanor spent a lot of time together when the boy band member wasn’t performing on tour or promoting One Direction albums. Fans also noticed that Louis has been spending more time with Daniel Sturridge than Eleanor Calder.
This breakup rumor came on the heels of the news that Harry Styles reportedly broke up with his girlfriend Nadine Leopold. Haylor fans have been wondering if the bad boy and womanizer would get back together with Taylor Swift. Meanwhile, Larry Stylinson fans have been wondering if Styles and Tomlinson are ready to go public about their rumored relationship.
This isn’t the first time that breakup rumors followed Louis and Eleanor. The Inquisitr previously reported that the two haven’t been spending as much time together as they normally do. Eleanor was also spotted getting a rumored breakup tattoo in Los Angeles. Of course, this news made Larry Stylinson happy about the possibility that their favorite boys love each other.
According to Cambio , Larry Stylinson is purely a work of fiction . Fanfiction that is. The Larry Stylinson relationship was started by a Harry and Louis fanfic that has made some fans take off with the story and run with it. Vulture explained that fanfiction is “amateur fiction based on characters from preexisting works or real-life celebrities – has lately become a force driving popular culture.”
The magazine also noticed that Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson were the most popular fanfic topics. This was followed by the remaining members of One Direction, including Niam, otherwise known as Niall Horan and Zayn Malick. Larry Stylinson isn’t alone on the fanfiction list. Other popular celebrities include Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, and Taylor Swift. It’s unclear as to whether these celebrities are often paired up with another celebrity of the same sex.
There’s also an infographic that includes the “Most Popular Ships” on the Internet, which also hinted to Larry Stylinson. This popularity was ranked by the “number of times the ship was tagged in a Wattpad story.” Wattpad is a website that allows fans to explore their creativity by creating fanfiction stories. Larry Stylinson is supposedly a popular one on there.
The Inquisitr also reported that Larry Stylinson fans had something else to smile about . Tomlinson usually gets huffy when asked about the alleged Larry Stylinson relationship. He shockingly revealed in an interview that he wouldn’t mind kissing Harry Styles.
What are your thoughts on the Larry Stylinson rumors? Do you think it’s purely fanfiction, or that their secret relationship is for real?
[Image: Brendon Thorne/Getty Images]