Neil Strauss, author of The New York Times’ bestseller The Game , is shifting his attention from picking up women to surviving world crises.
Strauss’s new book, Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life –the author’s first full-length release since his foray into the world of seduction–details his eight-year attempt to figure out what it’d take to make it in a world with no structure and no government support. The story explores a worst-case-scenario side of society most people only imagine encountering.
From the book’s official description:
“After the last few years of violence and terror, of ethnic and religious hatred, of tsunamis and hurricanes–and now of world financial meltdown–Strauss, like most of his generation, came to the sobering realization that, even in America, anything can happen. But rather than watch helplessly, he decided to do something about it. And so he spent three years traveling through a country that’s lost its sense of safety, equipping himself with the tools necessary to save himself and his loved ones from an uncertain future.”
‘Emergency’: Exclusive Sneak Peek
Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life will be available starting March 10. The Inquisitr, however, has an exclusive sneak peek now at an entire chapter from the text.
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You can read through some other scattered samples from the book on the publisher’s official Emergency preview page.