Megyn Kelly was speaking on a short fuse Thursday night as she opened her Fox News show with commentary on false reports that have trickled out of the media since the Michael Brown shooting happened last August.
Kelly began by pointing out how she feels the media is shaping the narrative — on the events that led up to Wednesday nights Ferguson shootings in which two police officers were injured by an unseen gunman hiding among protesters.
“Today the [media] conversation consisted of a quick expression of sympathy for the injured officers followed by a long justification for a protest movement based upon a lie,” Kelly said.
(The “lie,” of course, being the contrast between supposed witnesses and what the actual forensic evidence had to say about the death of Michael Brown at the hands of Officer Darren Wilson, who was acquitted by a grand jury and later exonerated by the U.S. Department of Justice .)
“For months a segment of our political leaders and pundits attacked cops across this country based on the myth that 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, was shot in the back by a cop while surrendering with his hands up,” she fumed. “Wrong. Totally wrong.”
Particularly galling for Megyn Kelly was that members of Congress had repeated the “hands up, don’t shoot” chant and gesture that some discredited witnesses had said Brown used before being killed by Wilson.
“If one of them has so far apologized for misleading America, we haven’t heard it,” Kelly said.
“Enough is enough! Institutional racism is a real problem, but fanning the flames, rushing to judgment and failing to provide context is also deeply problematic and dangerous. And it needs to stop. Everyone needs to be more responsible in how they approach this issue.”
Many feel that Kelly’s anger is somewhat justified. After multiple autopsies and reviews of the evidence, it became clear to investigators and later Attorney General Eric Holder that Brown had attacked Wilson first, punching the officer in the face while he sat in his car.
Brown was said to be angry over being told to get out of the street by Wilson. After attacking and reaching for Wilson’s gun, he was shot multiple times.
What do you think of the comments made by Megyn Kelly on Thursday night? Is she right to take the media and politicians to task for “perpetuating a lie” or has the media done its job on Ferguson? Sound off below.