Fox News host Megyn Kelly offered a differing perspective on the numerous racist emails uncovered by a United States Justice Department investigation of the Ferguson, Missouri, police department and court system, or her Monday, March 9, broadcast — saying that the type of email correspondence found by the Justice probe were no different from those found in the email accounts at almost any American private business or public organization.
Among the emails uncovered by the DoJ, were, “one sent in October 2011 that showed a photo of bare-chested dancing women, apparently in Africa, with the caption ‘Michelle Obama’s High School Reunion.’ A June, 2011, email described a man trying to put his dogs on welfare because the canines were “mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can’t speak English and have no… clue who their Daddies are.”
Another email cited in the Justice Department report said that President Barack Obama would leave office before his term was up because, “what black man holds a steady job for four years?”
The emails, the federal investigation found, were just one piece of evidence of how the Ferguson “approach to law enforcement both reflects and reinforces racial bias, including stereotyping.”
But to Megyn Kelly, the racist emails were no big deal .
“There are very few companies in America, whether they’re public or private, in which if you sic 40 FBI agents on the company and review every email and every document and every communication between employees, you won’t find any racist emails,” Kelly said during the March 9 edition of her her featured Fox News program The Kelly File .
After two Ferguson police officers resigned over the emails, the Ferguson police chief has now, himself, resigned, the city announced on Wednesday .
A competing cable news host, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC , offered her own perspective, reacting with disbelief to Kelly’s comments — and suggesting that perhaps such emails were par for the course for workers at Fox News, but not at most other companies.
“I don’t work at the Fox News Channel , so I can’t speak to what’s in their employees’ inboxes on a regular basis,” Maddow said on her own program, The Rachel Maddow Show , on Tuesday.
“But emails depicting President Obama as a chimp? Emails describing a man trying to obtain welfare for his dogs because they are ‘mixed in color?’ Maybe those kinds of emails happen where you work. Maybe my office is an outlier. I do not get those types of emails.”
Watch video of Megyn Kelly explaining on her Fox News show why the Ferguson racist emails are essentially meaningless, in the video above.
[Image: Fox News Screen Grab]