The Samsung Galaxy S6 was already unveiled earlier this week at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Information about the flagship phone, including its price, is already leaking out. Samsung confirmed that the Galaxy S6 will be made available to 20 countries when it’s released on April 10. However, the company kept mum on which countries it will be made available to.
Samsung has already announced that it will have a different pricing policy for the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge. The Galaxy S6 Edge is likely to be more expensive , according to ValueWalk . Thanks to T-Mobile, U.S. consumers will have an idea of what the Galaxy S6 will cost.
According to the mobile carrier’s terms and conditions, the Galaxy S6 is valued at $699. It was revealed during T-Mobile’s contest in which one lucky winner will receive a free Galaxy S6 on the day that it launches. The carrier hasn’t indicated which model of the Galaxy S6 will be given away at this price. According to previous contests held by T-Mobile, it suggests that it will give away the entry-level 32GB version, according to the source.
Computerworld has already found the price of the Samsung Galaxy S6 in Spain. The source suggests that based upon its research, the Galaxy S6 will retail at €699 on its release date of April 10. That means that it will retail for $100 more in the U.S. market and €100 more in Europe. This means that the standard version of the Galaxy S6 Edge will retail under $1,000 in the U.S., and will retail under €1,000 over in Europe. There has been information regarding its pricing in the United Kingdom at this time since Britain doesn’t use the euro, which means pricing will be different in the Europe and the United States.
Verizon Wireless already stated that it will offer both the Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge as early as April 1. The mobile carrier has not yet announced how much the devices will cost on its network, but it will probably cost the same as T-Mobile. Verizon will offer the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge in two color options: black and white , according to The International Business Times . Samsung, however, will offer the phones in black, white, blue, gold, and green.
The Inquisitr previously reported that the Samsung Galaxy S6 has a major screen defect . The edges of the Samsung phones do not respond to touches at all. This problem seems to be a bigger issue on the Galaxy S6 rather than the Galaxy S6 Edge. It’s reportedly a hardware issue rather than a software issue. Samsung has not yet made a comment about this issue.
What are your thoughts on the Samsung Galaxy S6? Are you looking forward to its release on April 10?
[Image: Courtesy of Josh Miller/CNET]