Virgin America, a popular flight choice for those in the US, has named a plan in honor of the late and great Steve Jobs. On October 5th, 2011, Steve passed away and left behind a wonderful legacy of innovation and passion.
Through his leadership, he led Apple from a failing company, to the most valuable company in the Worl d. Richard Branson who runs Virgin, has always been inspired by Steve’s work and through an internal naming competition, one of the employees suggested one of his many famous quotes.
“Your inner geek will smile the next time you board a Virgin America flight. After all, there’s a chance that you’ll be stepping onto a plane that is named in honor of late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.”
“Virgin America’s Abby Lunardini explained to me that one of the airline’s jets — an Airbus A320 — has “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” stenciled on its nose as the result of an internal plane naming competition which was run in the fall of 2011. At that time, the aircraft name was submitted “as a tribute” to Jobs by one of Virgin America’s employees. The plane entered service late last year.”
Even with the competition in the airline industry and losses, the company is still pushing forward. Higher fuel costs are attributed to the decrease in profits. Despite that, Richard Branson’s vision for the airline is to provide a great value with style, comfort, and solid customer service.
People are apparently happy as their number of passengers recently rose 38%.
Have you ever flown Virgin America or see yourself doing so?