A female scientist who is currently studying for her Ph.D. has created a yogurt using her vagina. In fact, she even went the extra mile and tasted the product too.
Janet Jay has written extensively about Cecilia Westbrook’s trials and tribulations with vaginal secretions, which have probiotic properties that are healthy and good for people to eat.
Westbrook, who is currently studying for her MD/Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, has been conducting experiments with yogurt, which is also made up of probiotic, and she has blended the two together.
According to BT , Janet Jay explained, “Every vagina is home to hundreds of different types of bacteria and organisms. These organisms — collectively known as the vaginal community — produce lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and other substances that keep the vagina healthy.”
Jay added, “The dominant bacteria is called lactobuacillus, which also happens to be what people sometimes use to culture milk, cheese, and yoghurt.”
Westbrook took it upon herself to prove why eating vaginal fluids is genuinely good for an individual’s health.
In her writing, Jay explained, “She knew enough about the chemistry of the vagina to think that eating a batch of yoghurt made from her ladyjuices would be good for her.”
So, how did Westbrook go about creating her unique culinary concoction? Well, after collecting her vaginal organisms, she then made three different batches.
Jay explained, “She set up a positive control (made with actual yoghurt as the starter culture) and a negative control (plain milk with nothing added), and combined her own home-made ingredient to the third batch of yoghurt.”
Jay went on to note that these dishes were then left overnight and “the magic of biology” then turned them into “a respectably-sized bowl.”
But what did it actually taste like? Jay wrote that Westbrook stated it was tingly, tangy and sour, before “comparing it to Indian yoghurt.” She also noted that her pal added blueberries to make it more appetising.
The second batch that included Westbrook’s secret ingredient was “even more tart, like slightly-spoiled milk.”
However, the FDA have dismissed Westbrook’s approach. Theresa Eisenman, who works for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, told Jay, “Vaginal secretions are not considered ‘food,’ and they may transmit human disease, a food product that contains vaginal secretions or other bodily fluids is considered adulterated.”
Meanwhile, Larry Forney, who works as a microbiologist at the University of Idaho, said, “The whole idea of eating yoghurt to treat your vagina, you stop and think about it a moment and go, ‘Wait, isn’t there a problem here with the plumbing?’ But somehow it works.”
He did counter that with, “I like what she’s doing in principle, but it’s risky, because she doesn’t know what else she’s doing and she could end up with a bad batch.”
Jay finished by writing, “Despite the discouragement of everyone from Forney to the FDA, she’s feeling fine. And she won’t be culturing any more.”
[Image via BBCi ]