When OJ Simpson was sued in civil court over the Nicole Brown Simpson murder case he purchased a home in Florida, under state law your home can not be confiscated by the court in a civil lawsuit. While the move at the time was a smart decision on OJ’s part it looks as if he’ll be losing his home regardless of his move to the sunshine state.
According to court records JPMorgan Chase bank is foreclosing on the 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom residence OJ calls home in the city of Miami.
OJ purchased the home in 2000 for $575,000 however the home was recently assessed at just $478,401 thanks to the real estate bust.
It’s not exactly as if OJ Simpson was enjoying the home, he’s currently serving time in a Nevada prison for kidnapping, armed robbery and various other charges for his involvement in a 2007 incident in which he stole a bunch of sports memorabilia at gunpoint.
After the robbery OJ Simpson claimed that the memorabilia belonged to him and he was simply taking back his rightful property.
With Simpson serving a nine to 33 year prison sentence there’s a good chance he decided to simply let the home go. Simpson is still receiving federally protected money from his NFL pension and another retirement account. But why do you need to pay for a home when you’re getting three squares a day and a bed to sleep in.
Are you surprised to learn that OJ Simpson has allowed his home to slip into foreclosure when he rots in a Nevada prison?