Former Penn State football coach Joe Paterno is finally speaking out about the Jerry Sandusky sex scandal that has rocked the University and eventually led to Paterno being fired from the school where he led as head coach for 61 years.
Paterno sat down with the Washington Post this week where he was wheelchair-bound after breaking his pelvis and succumbing to chemotherapy.
According to Paterno he heard of the charges in 2002 when assistant coach Mike McQueary told him about a boy being fondled by Sandusky in the Penn State showers.
“You know, he didn’t want to get specific,” Paterno said. “And to be frank with you I don’t know that it would have done any good, because I never heard of, of, rape and a man. So I just did what I thought was best.”
Paterno goes on to note that he setup a meeting between school officials and McQueary where the act of s0domy was described in greater detail. JoePa then says he left the case alone to be dealt with by school officials.
“The courts are taking care of it, the legal system is taking care of it,” he said.
Despite being fired Paterno doesn’t appear to harbor any resentment against the University and revealed a recent donation of $100,000 to the school.
Paterno also reveals in the interview that he refuses to walk away from Penn State “bitter” and noted that he finds the whole Jerry Sandusky issue “sickening. … I’d get a bunch of guys and say let’s go punch somebody in the nose.”
Paterno’s full interview has drawn praise and criticism by various factions:
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Do you think Penn State was right in firing Joe Paterno or did he do what was necessary by alerting school officials and requesting an investigation?