Back in 1971, Norma McCorvey filed a lawsuit against Texas, saying that individual state laws banning abortion are unconstitutional. During its duration, Norma went by the pseudonym “Jane Roe” as she defended her point against the District Attorney of Dallas, Henry Wade. The decision of that monumental case came in 1973, resulting in abortion becoming a fundamental right under the United States Constitution, thereby subjecting all laws attempting to restrict it to the standard of strict scrutiny.
Presently, the abortion issue is still argued and, on the anniversary of the decision passed at Roe vs. Wade, thousands gathered in Washington D.C. in support to overturn abortion in their annual “March for Life.”
According to Fox News , thousands of anti-abortion demonstrators gathered at the National Mall on Thursday, January 22, 2015, for the annual “March for Life.” They carried signs with slogans calling for the defense of life, being the voice of the voiceless, and thanking God that their mothers were pro-life. To start the event, the masses listened to speakers that included several members of Congress. Other congressmen in attendance include Rep. Chris Smith (Republican of New Jersey), Rep. Daniel Lipinski (Democrat of Illinois), and Sen. Tim Scott (Republican of South Carolina).
What is unique about this year’s “March for Life” is that it coincides with a monumental abortion bill being pushed by the GOP in the House of Representatives. Yahoo reported that the House voted right at the party line, 242 to 179, to permanently forbid federal funds for most abortion coverage. The bill will also block tax credits for many people and employers who buy abortion coverage under President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform. However, such a bill may never become law due to the threats that Obama will veto it.
It should also be reported that another bill that would have banned most late-term abortions was abruptly derailed. The reason why it did not pass is because a rebellion, led by female Republican lawmakers, left them short of votes. “March of Life” demonstrator John Castelot was disappointed of that result.
“After twenty weeks, that’s halfway through a pregnancy. You’d think that would be a no brainer for people to support. I think the legislation was flawed.”
Despite what is going on up at Capitol Hill, this year’s “March of Life” was a monumental success. The Blaze also reported on it, in which they provided numerous photographs of the event itself. A gallery of the event is attached below for your viewing.
Now that you’ve read the news about the “March for Life” along with the abortion bill passed by the House of Representatives, what are your views? Do you align yourself with the demonstrators in overturning abortion? Or are you supportive of a woman’s right to choose?
[Featured Image via M.Scott Mahaskey, Post Images sourced in description]