WWE is the ultimate place to reach for a pro wrestler. Many aspire to be there, as it is the place you are at least guaranteed a good payday if nothing more. Some become major names and some never make it through, but those who get the opportunity to even try are few and far between. Lately, WWE has been giving Independent wrestlers a look as they have found they are the best option for them.
One talent who WWE is bringing in for a tryout is current CZW World Champion Biff Busick. Biff has never gotten an opportunity from WWE before, so this is his first chance to impress everyone. MetsFanForver from Reddit and Daily Wrestling News report that he’ll be down in Orlando, Florida, next week for the tryout. While this should be a happy moment for Biff, it does not seem that everyone is happy about it.
WWN Live’s Gabe Sapolsky is said to be furious about possibly losing Biff. Gabe worked with WWE in the past, and even has ties to ECW with Paul Heyman. He is credited for basically making Ring of Honor a major success among other Indy organizations. Gabe has been supportive of indie talents signing with WWE in the past, but apparently he was “irate” over the news of Biff possibly going to WWE.
While he does work closely with Biff in WWN and Evolve, they can probably bounce back from losing him. The issue is, CZW is not loaded, and WWN is fading a bit. Evolve has a lot of good young guys, but not many stars. Biff is one of the only major guys there. Gabe knows that once the Indy stars he works with get popular, WWE will want to bring them in. So in some ways, he has to keep starting from scratch.
Dean Ambrose was the last main CZW star to join WWE, and he has been a huge star in WWE . So the track record, while small, is good for those with some hardcore experience out of CZW.
Biff has had some great matches , and he is still under 30. The clock is ticking on his career, however, so he’ll need to impress on this tryout with WWE or he may never get an opportunity to work with them full-time. He does not have a fantastic look, but he has great in-ring ability and can deliver a pretty good promo. We’ll have to see if WWE has interest. It’ll just be a waiting game now.
[IMG Credit: DailyWrestlingNews]