Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra are expecting their second child together. However, they will only have one child living with them; that is because they made the very hard decision to place their first daughter, Carly, up for adoption when she was born five years ago.
The couple showcased their story on the MTV show 16 and Pregnant where cameras followed them while they wrestled with the hard decision. On one hand, the couple knew that they were not ready emotionally nor financially to provide for a child, but they were facing harsh criticism from their families who wanted them to keep the baby. Their decision to place their daughter up for adoption had little support, but they knew they were doing the right thing. That is why they chose an open adoption for their daughter, Carly.
Since they have an open adoption, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have been able to visit with their daughter. They are close with her adoptive parents as well and often receive updates on the little girl. While the couple knows just how much a part of their daughter’s life they are, they have faced criticism from others who don’t completely understand that situation.
Catelynn’s remarks on Twitter were sweet and genuine, but not everyone saw it that way. There were some followers who thought that perhaps Catelynn’s tweet was insensitive and could be seen as hurtful towards her oldest daughter. Catelynn defended her decision though, and explained herself to her followers – even though she didn’t have to.
“No it will not be hurtful because she knows everything about her story. We are in a totally different place older wiser and own a home stuff we didn’t have when I was pregnant with Carly. We have an awesome relationship and she can ask any questions she has so in no way will she feel like I loved this child anymore then I love her!”
It is a shame that Catelynn Lowell has to defend her Twitter remarks, but luckily the negative comments from followers were few and far between. Most Teen Mom fans support Catelynn and Tyler on their decision to have another child. The couple is definitely older, and they have grown up a lot since their 16 and Pregnant days. As a result, they feel confident and ready to raise a child this time around.
As Starcasm also pointed out, this is not the first time that Catelynn Lowell has had to defend her decision to have another baby. At the Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 reunion, she spoke in depth about the family issues that she and Tyler Baltierra were dealing with, and pointed out how unprepared they were to raise a child at the time.
As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Catelynn and Tyler are planning on releasing a tell-all book next year. The book will detail their lives prior to MTV and will likely give fans more insight as to why they felt adoption was the best choice for their baby.
There is no doubt that, one day, Carly will have some questions for her birth parents, but Catelynn Lowell is determined to make sure she understands the situation perfectly.
[Image: via Instagram]