Denise Sumpter is still breastfeeding her 6-year-old daughter, Belle. According to Mirror , the 44-year-old mother of two is quite proud of the nurturing relationship she still has with her children. Although it may seem surprising to some, she has no plans to stop anytime soon. As a matter of fact, she’s revealed that she will allow her daughter to decide when the breastfeeding will end. Sumpter revealed her daughter may ask to breastfeed one or twice a week or even a couple times a day depending on how she feels.
“I’ll feed Belle as long as she asks,” Sumpter said. “I don’t know how long that will be. It will be the same with Beau. I don’t think there’s anything weird about it. I feed both children on demand – whenever they want it.”
Of course, her decision has raised concerns by many who have questioned her actions. Many have argued that her actions could be potentially stifling for her young children. Sumpter was questioned about her daughter’s level of independence as a result of breastfeeding. But, she insists her daughter is developing and doing exceptionally well.
“People think by feeding Belle this long I will stunt her confidence. But she is extremely independent – if anything, she can be too bolshie sometimes” she said. “Her teachers say she is mature for her age. She’s been away from me at her nan’s for a week and was fine.”
A number of theories have also been presented about whether or not breast milk still holds the same nutritional benefits when children have surpassed the normal feeding age. Sumpter defended her decision stating that her children have rarely had health issues and she feels they’re much happier, reports The Daily Mail .
“People argue that after a certain age breast milk has no nutritional benefits but that’s nonsense – there is not a single food source that suddenly stops being nutritious. My children have hardly been ill. Beau came down with something the other day and because I nursed him through it he was better in 24 hours. I’ve had similar with Belle. If they’re upset it calms them. It helps them sleep.”
“I have two healthy, bright, confident children who I truly believe have benefitted from breast milk, and continue to do so.”
However, many still argue that breastfeeding at Belle’s age is unnecessary. Do you think six years is too long for a mom to breastfeed?
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