James Woods Calls NYPD Deaths Obama And Al Sharpton’s ‘Mission Accomplished’

Actor and producer James Woods returned to Twitter today to to slam what he calls President Obama and Reverend Al Sharpton’s involvement in the NYPD deaths on Saturday. Woods has been off Twitter since an Obama rant in September, but now he’s back to tell followers why they should boycott Sony, and to point fingers in the NYPD murders.

Woods seems to deem his efforts on Twitter as educational ones — here’s his last tweet before he faded out in September.

Returning today, he had a number of things to say. First, he suggested that when Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks, all NYPD officers should turn their backs and refuse to listen. (According to The Hill, former Mayor Rudy Guiliani expressed similar sentiments, if not the response, saying de Blasio “has blood on his hands..”)

Woods went on to call the Reverend Sharpton “PigSharpton,” and to tweet images directly blaming Mayor de Blasio for the NYPD deaths.

Then he moved on to Sony, and its relationship with Al Sharpton. (Sony, of course, is already facing PR nightmares in the wake of the recent hacking, and one more might be too many for it to survive.)

Finally, James Woods called Al Sharpton a “race pimp,” and asked if the Rev is eating celebratory caviar in the wake of the NYPD deaths. He also called the murder of two NYPD police officers a “mission accomplished” for President Obama and the Reverend Al, tweeting images of the President and the Reverend together.

James Woods is neither the first to respond to the NYPD deaths by placing blame nor the first to point fingers at exactly the parties Woods is accusing. However, some of his comments, including the suggestion that Obama and Al are calling the murder a “mission accomplished” might be among the most bizarre.

[photo credit: azipaybarah

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