Tom Brokaw is in good spirits this holiday, as he announces that the rare cancer that he was diagnosed with 10 months ago is in remission. Famous and world-renowned news anchorman Tom Brokaw made the encouraging announcement to his NBC family.
“A year ago my future was more uncertain than I cared to acknowledge but now I face the New Year with very encouraging news. The cancer is in remission and I will shortly go on a drug maintenance regimen to keep it there.”
In February of this year, the Inquisitr reported that Tom Brokaw was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a rare blood cancer that effects the bone marrow. News outlets reported at the time that the cancer was incurable. The shocking diagnosis saddened many of his friends, colleagues and viewers, but Brokaw always remained optimistic.
“With the exceptional support of my family, medical team and friends, I am very optimistic about the future and look forward to continuing my life, my work and adventures still to come()I remain the luckiest guy I know.”
Now that optimism has paid off, as doctors are confident that the blood cancer is in full remission. When he was first diagnosed, Brokaw concentrated first on getting well, but was also determined to pay attention to the little things, putting more focus on activities he cares about and seeking to really take time out to enjoy them. The death of Peter Jennings from lung cancer helped Brokaw, who is married with three children, appreciate the importance of taking time for oneself during retirement years.
Longtime viewers and fans of the distinguished Tom Brokaw have taken to his Facebook page to express gladness over news of his cancer remission.
“Great news! Please Tom Brokaw please continue to bring awareness to Multiple Myeloma. We need a spokesman like you!”
“Very happy to hear about your remission… this took my mom from me just 15 short years ago… enjoy!!!!”
Author and news anchor Tom Brokaw was educated at both the University of Iowa and the University of South Dakota at Vermillion, before landing his first job in a newsroom in Iowa, according to the book Reaching Beyond Excellence by Jim Mathis .
From there, Tom Brokaw enjoyed success at various stations between Omaha and Atlanta, then moving on to the Today Show , before settling in to his job as a nightly news anchor with NBC Nightly News . His distinct Midwestern accent and his beautiful way with words has made him one of the most recognized and well-known television news personalities spanning a more than 40-year-period.
One of Tom Brokaw’s greatest quotes is, “In your pursuit of your passions, always be young. In your relationship with others, always be grown-up.”
[Photo Credit: Facebook ]