WWE racism has long been an issue for Vince McMahon and Company, who just can’t seem to book an African-American wrestler in a way that is favorable and respectful. That’s at least what many fans on the squaredcircle subreddit believe.
Recently, a commenter from outside the U.S. asked the question: What is so racist about the New Day tag team, which consists of talented stars Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Xavier Woods?
Admittedly, to see the WWE racism on display in this trio, you do have to know a little of the inside baseball regarding race relations and stereotyping within the U.S.
Responders to the thread were more than happy to explain.
“It’s racist for a white owned and predominantly white managed company to only present certain, stereotypical images of black culture.”
“The whole gimmick comes off as very ‘Uncle Tom’ to me. Like New Day are three guys treated like s**t, so they just give up and like to sing and dance now and have accepted ‘their place.’”
“Like we have rapping check, preaching check, gospel check, and dancing check etc. It is like they check off a list of all stereotypical things that are rolled into one.”
“If you’re not made uncomfortable by an all-singing, all-dancing group of black dudes employed by predominantly white dudes to act like stereotypical black southern baptists with seemingly no other gimmick, you’re possibly not too in touch with the way issues of race are perceived and how important they are RIGHT NOW…. Name another black superstar receiving a push right now. Name 5 black superstars who have received a successful, sustained singles push in the last 2 years.”
Portrayals of the New Day tag team, for many, show that Vince McMahon still doesn’t “get” race, even after numerous bumps his company has taken over the years for said lack of awareness.
For instance, check out this recent Inquisitr article, in which Mark Henry explains one gimmick he flat-out refused — “Silverback,” because, apparently, Henry being black and big makes him just like a silverback gorilla, or something.
There’s also the shortage of black WWE World Champions throughout the company’s history. It’s certainly not a great track record, and New Day appears to be a rather unfortunate addition.
But what do you think, readers? Is the New Day tag team yet another example of aloof WWE racism, or is the creative department actually working toward something substantial? Share your thoughts in our comments section.
[Image via WWE ]