A Missouri chapter of the Ku Klux Klan has been distributing fliers in and around Ferguson, Missouri, in advance of the Michael Brown grand jury decision, warning of “lethal force” against violent protesters, the Huffington Post is reporting.
The fliers come from the Traditionalist American Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (TAKKKK), based in Park Hills, Missouri, which is about 75 miles south of Ferguson. In them, violent protesters are warned that they have “awakened a sleeping giant.”
As the world awaits the verdict from the grand jury considering whether to indict officer Darren Wilson, who shot unarmed black teenager Michael Brown on August 9, law enforcement is preparing for riots, in case the jury decides not to indict Wilson, according to Time . With these fliers, the Klan is promising that they will not stand for violence.
Frank Ancona, president of the TAKKK, sat down with MSNBC host Chris Hayes to discuss the flyers. Ancona was asked if he saw the irony in threatening violence with more violence.
“No, actually it’s addressing the people who are making these terroristic threats and letting them know that the people of Missouri have rights too. There are remedies under the law. The flier, if you read it, it says ‘defend’, it talks about defense. So, in order to defend yourself, that means you’re being attacked.”
This is not the first time the Klan has made its presence felt in regard to the Michael Brown shooting. About a week after the shooting, the Klan began raising money, according to this Inquisitr report, for officer Darren Wilson’s legal defense fund. As of this post, it is unclear how much money the KKK has raised for Wilson.
Ancona believes that the response to the KKK fliers has been “very good,” according to CBS Saint Louis .
“It kind of came about from hundreds of calls we’ve been getting from residents of St. Louis County concerned with things that they are seeing on social media about random attacks on whites, D.C. sniper-style-type shootings, police officers being threatened that their wives are going to be raped and that they are all targets.”
The grand jury deciding Darren Wilson’s fate is expected to hand down a decision later this month, according to CBS News .
Do you believe the Klan is sending the wrong message by distributing these threatening fliers around Ferguson?
[Images courtesy of: Flickr , Huffington Post ]