President Obama has been what some would call defiant in the face of massive Democratic losses during the November 4 election. I’ll just call him what he is — delusional.
That’s because the President refuses to see how his policies are to blame for several states tossing out their Democratic House and Senate members in favor of Republicans.
Democrats like Jon Stewart and the writer of this New York Times editorial are partially to blame because they refuse to allow President Obama to accept any real responsibility.
Stewart believes Democrats lost because they were “cowardly” and didn’t stand on all the “accomplishments” their President had achieved. The article linked above blames “Dark Money.”
(Oooo, scary.)
The reality for those of us who actually live in the states affected by Tuesday’s results is that we feel none of the “accomplishments” that the President brags about.
“Falling” unemployment rates are easily explained by the amount of people who’ve fallen out of the workforce and never returned. Most that are working are bringing home less take-home pay under six years of Obama than in any previous year, Bush included.
The stock market is high because investors are excited that the President has essentially been neutered of power and decision-making for two years, and America finally seems to be waking up to the fact that Democratic midterm losses (in 2010 and 2014) are largely because Democratic policies had a chance to work, and failed miserably.
Of course, the leader of the failures is Obamacare. Even as the Titanic Democrats swear that it’s a good thing “so many more people have healthcare now,” they have a hard time selling this bill of goods to the working families who are paying as much as 45 percent more on their premiums each month just so poverty-level people can get the most basic care.
(Forty-five percent is at least how much my premiums are going up. Of course, I don’t receive any kind of government assistance.)
Still, the President says stuff like this, excerpted from his recent Face the Nation appearance .
“The message that I took from this election, and we’ve seen this in a number of elections, is people want to see this city work… [People] see Washington gridlocked and they’re frustrated, and they know one person in Washington and that’s the President of the United States. So I’ve got to make this city work better for them.
“When you start governing, there is a tendency sometimes for me to start thinking, as long as I get the policy right that’s what should matter. One thing I do need to constantly remind myself and my team are, is it’s not enough just to build a better mousetrap. People don’t automatically come beating to your door. We got to sell it…. I think there are times when we have not been successful at going out there and letting people know what it is we’re trying to do and why it’s the right direction. So there is a failure of politics there.”
In other words, I take responsibility for the fact that you, dear voter, are too stupid to see how I know best.
As to the president’s belief that he “builds a better mousetrap,” need I remind you what a mousetrap does, Mr. President? It lures in its prey with a hunk of tasty (government) cheese. And about the time you take that first bite, snap!
So thanks for that. It sort of proves my point.