Albie Manzo may have started filming Manzo’d with Children with a girlfriend named Brittany, but it was clear from the beginning that the family was not a big fan of the girl. Caroline Manzo didn’t think that this girl was the right one for Albie and Lauren Manzo felt that Albie was thinking with the wrong head. Clearly, she didn’t think that Brittany was the one he was having children with.
Albie Manzo ended up breaking up with Brittany on Manzo’d with Children this week on the season finale weekend and fans of the show were just waiting for Caroline to tell Albie, “I told you so,” about the relationship. But she reveals that she didn’t say anything of the sorts to Albie, because there was no need. Instead, Manzo shares her thoughts in her blog.
According to a new Bravo report, Albie Manzo was heartbroken after his relationship ended with Brittany, but his mother decided to handle the matter a little differently.
“I bet you all were waiting for me to say I told you so when Albie broke up with Brittany, right? I would never say that. I want my kids to be happy, and I will always tell them the truth when I’m asked my opinion, but the decisions they make are all their own. Gloating is not the way we operate,” she explains of Albie’s heartbreak.
Maybe Caroline Manzo knew that Albie Manzo would be breaking up with Brittany when the time was right. No word on how Brittany felt about the breakup and the family’s reactions being aired on national television, but Albie’s mother just wants to make sure he is alright.
“Relationships come and go, but I’d like to think that whether the experience is good or bad you could always learn and grow from it. That’s what I was trying to convey to Albie: Don’t think of the breakup as a personal failure, because life is full of trials and accomplishments. You have to roll with the punches and celebrate the victories,” she reveals.
Caroline and her family decided to film Manzo’d with Children instead of The Real Housewives of New Jersey , because they thought it would be much more fun to document their own lives for Bravo. This season showed how the family fights, as Albie Manzo and Lauren got into a heated argument over their relationships.
And according to the Inquisitr , Caroline thinks that it is healthy for her children to fight, because they will be forced to make up and talk things through.
What do you think of Albie Manzo’s breakup on Manzo’d with Children ?
[Image via E Online ]