Months ago, there was “The Fappening” — a privacy breach in which hackers stole nude and other private photos from celebrities’ iCloud accounts, and posted them online. The Fappening has died down somewhat, and was widely considered to be finished — but over Halloween weekend, a number of new celebrity nudes were leaked.
Sarah Shahi, who’d already been a victim of the Fappening, has had more photos leak, according to a Reddit thread on a sub where discussion of Fappening events is allowed, but the photos themselves are banned.
On another sub where users discuss Fappening events, posters say that further leaks include Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders Holly Arielle and Tobi Percival, Carly Pope, Kelly Felthouse, and Kelsey Voglesang. Headlines and Global News reports that other actresses have joined the list of Fappening victims as well: Nicola Peltz and Kristen Ritter, as well as former American Idol contestants Angie Miller and Aubrey Cleland.
According to Business Insider , Reddit banned “The Fappening” and related subreddits early in September , but the site subsequently allowed discussion and link-posting to return, only forbidding Fappening photos.
None of the celebs in this latest round of Fappening leaks have publicly responded to the incident, leaving the question open of whether the photos are genuine. After the initial leaks, several celebs spoke out, calling (rightly so) the Fappening a sex crime, a violation, more than theft, slut-shaming, and a method of using women’s sexuality against them. Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson (who was not a victim of the Fappening, despite rumors) had some of the most notorious responses, speaking out against rape culture and misogyny.
The ripples from the first rounds of the Fappening have still not stopped growing and spreading discord. According to the International Business Times , Jennifer Lawrence and Perez Hilton have engaged in something of a feud since he first posted her Fappening photos, then removed them and apologized. Lawrence wasn’t accepting of the apology, and Hilton blasted her in a follow-up video.
Meanwhile, Kelly Brook became the latest actress to petition Google to remove links to her photos from search results, according to Torrent Freak . The search engine has already removed numerous Fappening websites and links.
Of course, the Fappening was more recently followed by the Snappening — a hack of third-party SnapChat servers — but unlike the Fappening, the photos leaked then were not of celebrities, but of average people who used SnapChat with third-party apps. Also unlike the Fappening, a large number of the victims were underage.
[Photo credit: USAG-Humphreys ]