Three teenage girls between the ages of 13 and 16 were struck with a car and killed while trick-or-treating on Halloween in Santa Ana, California, and now police are looking for the driver who left the scene of the accident. According to a report by the Hollywood Reporter , three girls were out trick-or-treating in a Santa Ana neighborhood when a driver lost control of the car, striking them as they walked with candy in their trick-or treat-buckets for Halloween. After the poor girls were struck with the vehicle, witnesses observed three males escape the car on foot.
News of the fatal hit and run first broke on Twitter. Police say the killing took place around 6:45 p.m. at a crosswalk section on “Old Grand Street and Fairhaven Avenue, near Fairhaven Elementary School,” according to the Los Angeles Times .
Orange County police located a vehicle that is suspected to be the hit and run vehicle abandoned in a Big Lots parking lot near the scene of the accident. Police have not released the names of the victims, since their families have yet to be notified. Santa Ana police Cpl. Anthony Bertagna told media outlets the following, according to ABC-7 .
“We have several witnesses that were in the area. We’re trying to figure that part out. We’re also trying to find the parents of these children.”
The trick-or-treating girls were pronounced dead at the scene. Please check back for added details to this story.
In June of this year, Inquisitr reported that three teen girls were killed in a hit and run accident in Houston.
In other Halloween death news, a 2-year-old trick-or-treater was struck and killed by a bus in Lake Wales, Florida, on Friday evening. According to witnesses, the precious little boy had apparently wandered into the street after getting out of his stroller. The fatal accident happened at around 7:25 p.m., between U.S. Highway 27 and 1st Ave. North. Police have not charged anyone in his death, according to WFLA .
[Photo Credit: Twitter]