Rise up, stand tall, and strap on an Occupy Wall Street condom. Apparently the Occupy Wall Street movement has grown big enough to warrant its own novelty condom.
Condomania has just released a new condom in honor of the Wall Street Protesters. Condomania says that 99% of the country is currently getting screwed so they might as well wear a condom.
Condomania writes:
“Occupy Condoms! Why? Whether or not you agree with the ‘demands’ of the Occupy Wall Street movement that is sweeping the U.S., one thing is for sure; lots of people out there are tired of feeling screwed. Occupy Condoms say it all in a neat little package while affording young protestors the protection they need to stay safe in the passionate frenzy that is social protest.”
But isn’t capitalizing on the movement a little hypocritical? Condomania believes that it has solved that problem by offering the condoms at a 70% discount. The regular price for a 30 pack of condoms, like the Obama Stimulus Package condoms, Sarah Palin Protection condoms, or Election Protection condoms, usually sell for about $40. The Occupy Wall Street condoms are going for just $11.99.
Condomania said:
“Occupy Condoms are sold at a 70% discount to demonstrate our support for social change and the virtuous pursuit of equality for all. Mostly, we didn’t think it cool to be capitalizing quite so blatantly on a protest movement that itself is concerned about unscrupulous profiteering. So, we’ll just hope for some good buzz and a small amount of unscrupulous profits.”
What do you think of the Occupy Wall Street condoms? Do you think it’s wrong for a company to profit off of the movement? At least it will stop the spread of hippies, right?