As Batman v Superman continues filming in the Detroit Metro area, we are hearing from cast member Harry Lennix, who will reprise his role as General Swanwick, from Man of Steel . The actor says that fans of the graphic novel, The Dark Knight Returns will be pleased with Zack Snyder’s production.
Snyder is a big fan of the Frank Miller novel and many believe it will greatly influence the much anticipated sequel. The importance of The Dark Knight Returns was plainly obvious when the director first surprised the fandom with the Batman v Superman announcement during Comic Con 2013.
At the time of the announcement, executive producer Emma Thomas — who also worked in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy — praised Snyder’s vision and predicted the director would bring new life to the DC Universe.
“Whilst our Dark Knight trilogy is complete, we have every confidence that Zack’s fresh interpretation will take the character in a new and exciting direction. His vision for Superman opened the door to a whole new universe and we can’t wait to see what Zack does with these characters.”
The biggest indication that Snyder is basing Batman v Superman on The Dark Knight Returns is Batman’s age and situation. This time around Bruce Wayne’s alter ego is a more mature character. The novel also assumes the Caped Crusader has hung up his cape and cowl and is retired from the business of fighting crime as Batman.
In Man of Steel we saw Superman (Henry Cavill), working side by side with the U.S. government and military, which puts our superheroes at odds with each other. The violence seen in the battle between Superman and General Zod, allegedly infuriates Batman, who comes out of retirement to confront the man of steel.
Considering all this information, Harry Lennix’s comments cement the suggestion that Snyder is at least loosely using the The Dark Knight Returns plot for Batman v Superman . Without revealing anything about the plot, Lennix talked to MovieFone about what fans can expect.
“Anybody who’s a fan of the ’86 graphic novel The Dark Knight Returns, I think will be well pleased by that. This is a historic event. Clearly, Zack Snyder is on the cutting edge of directing movies of this scope and scale. I think you can depend on the acting — you’ve got Amy Adams, of course. You’ve got Henry. I don’t think there are any surprises with regard to that. What will happen remains to be seen. I’d probably wind up in a box some place.”
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is expected to fly into theaters on March 25, 2016.
[Image via TWitter]