A new ad campaign from Bono and his A-list buddies gets straight to the point: F*** famine. Bono, George Clooney, Colin Farrell, and a bunch of other stars created this video for Bono’s anti-poverty group ONE.
Bono, whose charity ONE is focusing on fighting famine in the Horn of Africa, said:
“More than 30,000 children have died in just three months. The pictures from Dadaab look like a nightmare from centuries past. Yet, this is the 21st century and these pictures are real and, on the whole, unseen.”
Here’s the F*** Famine video.
The Telegraph reports that more than 13 million people across East Africa are facing severe hunger. 750,000 people in the area are facing imminent starvation. ONE hopes that this new commercial will bring more attention to the food crises in Africa.
In an article at the Huffington Post , Bono writes:
“ONE’s new film The F Word: Famine is the Real Obscenity isn’t a typical emotional emergency appeal. It’s about focusing the media spotlight on the tragedy unfolding. It’s about building political support in the US and around the world for interventions that will stop the suffering today and break the cycle of famine in the future. Most of all, it’s about taking action — because famine is man-made.”
What did you think of the F*** Famine video? Do you think it will help solve the food crisis in Africa?