A 14-year-old girl suffering from alcohol poisoning was in need of a 911 call after a party she was attending got out of hand.
Instead, the 37-year-old woman overseeing the event gave her a homemade IV.
Jennifer A. Phippen supplied a party of teenagers with alcohol when the unnamed teenager passed out after having too many shots, reported the New York Daily News .
Ada County Sheriff’s officials said that’s when Phippen went to work administering the IV on the girl’s unconscious body.
As a result, Phippen now faces two charges of felony injury to a child for neglecting the young girl’s medical situation, and for providing the girl and other underage kids with alcohol.
Phippen, who lives in Boise, Idaho, is being held at the Ada County jail on $300,000 bail, according to police. She was home during the party at the time of the child’s injury.
After some of the teenagers there told Phippen that the 14-year-old had vomited, she allegedly pumped between 400 and 500 ccs of fluid into her and then moved her to the shower, without calling for medical help or contacting the girl’s family.
While the girl did suffer alcohol poisoning, she did manage to regain consciousness later in the morning and walked home on her own power. There have been no updates on the girl’s condition, but Phippen could be facing 10 years in prison as a result of the charges.
In another case of child endangerment that’ll make you wonder if we shouldn’t have laws deciding who gets to have children, a faith-healing couple caused the death of their second child, authorities said, after refusing to seek proper medical help when the child became ill.
At least in the case of Phippen, there doesn’t appear to be any long-term damage done. Still, you can’t help but feel that we should do more as a society and as parents.
But what do you think, readers?
Should Phippen go down alone for the events that happened at the party? If she did provide alcohol to minors as alleged, then there is definitely some accountability that needs to be factored in, but what of the kid?
Do you think parents whose 14-year-old ends up at such a party should be held accountable?
After all, 14-year-olds can’t drive anywhere without parental permission, and it is a parent’s job to know who their child is with and what they’re doing.
Would you consider charges against any of the other teenagers’ parents, including the victim’s? Sound off in our comments section.