The Honda Accord and Civic are still the most-stolen vehicles, according to the Hot Wheels report issued annually by the National Insurance Crime Bureau ( NICB ). The report, which covered vehicle thefts in 2013, ranked the Honda Accord at the top of the list where it has been quite often in years past.
All five of the top-most stolen vehicles are also top-selling vehicles, which plays into their theft numbers. For example, the most-sold vehicle models in the United States are the Toyota Camry and Ford F-150, which rank fifth and fourth on the NICB list for 2013, respectively. One of the longest-lived vehicles on teh road, in terms of how many are still operating as used vehicles, are the Honda Accord and its smaller sibling the Honda Civic.
The LA Times quotes a Honda representative on that fact, saying, “..there are more older Hondas on the road than many other brands.” Which Honda Accords that are stolen is another interesting point. Most are older models. Of the 2013 models stolen last year, the Accord ranked only 23rd on the NICB list (the Nissan Altima topped that list). The most-stolen model year in 2013 for the Honda Accord was the 1996 Accord. The majority of stolen vehicles, in fact, are Honda, Toyota, Ford, etc. vehicles made before 1998 when anti-theft measures became more common.
According to Car News Cafe , the most-commonly stolen Honda Accord models on the list were all of the fifth- and sixth-generation of the car. The current-generation Honda Accord is the ninth-generation of the vehicle, introduced in 2012.
Car theft, however, is actually on the decline in the United States. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, vehicle thefts have been falling for years, with 2013’s 700,000 vehicle thefts being the lowest point since 1967. Car thefts peaked in 1991 and the 2013 numbers mean a 57 percent drop from that high point.
For those interested, here are the top five most-stolen cars in 2013, according to the NICB:
- Honda Accord
- Honda Civic
- Chevrolet Silverado
- Ford F-series
- Toyota Camry
The majority of stolen vehicles are eventually recovered, according to FBI statistics. So if your Honda Accord disappears, chances are, you’ll get it back eventually.