For most people who keep up with both religion and politics in the world today, one group comes up as a major topic and that is the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or better known as ISIS. Here on The Inquisitr , we reported on numerous ISIS-related activities, and almost all of them are of a negative nature. This includes their threats and demands in United States matters like demanding $6.6 million for captured American women and a threat to blow up an American mall , which caused Chicago to go on high alert .
Despite their terrorist threats, ISIS still has many supporters outside of the Middle East. About 16 percent of French people support their cause. This means that the world population isn’t so one-sided when it comes to ISIS.
Now, there are reports of ISIS using online campaigns to lure western girls to go to the Middle East and assist the organization. How you ask? Through sex jihad.
According to The Daily Beast through WN , tweets and blogs are written by Western women married to Jihad warriors in which they promote and persuade their future “sisters” in both Europe and the United States to travel to the Middle East to help build the extreme vision of an Islamic society. Potential candidates are told they will not contribute to the revolution through martyrdom but through matrimony. This means child-bearing and not gun-toting.
One of the bloggers, going by the screen name “Bird of Jannah” promotes this lifestyle through one of her blog posts quoted below.
“Women are not equal to men. It can never be. Men are the leaders & women are special that Allah has given them entire chapter in the Qur’an.”
This view is different from the image ISIS shows on a daily basis on mainstream media. The marketing plan ISIS uses is a focus on the private sphere in which it markets the joys of jihadist family life and the honor of raising new fighters for Islam.
To some women, this seems like the propaganda of a cult right before they offer Kool-Aid, but for others, it is an opportunity and it seems that age isn’t a factor either as long as they can bear children. Several reports of women traveling to Syria prove this, including one in which two Austrian girls , aged 15 and 16, went missing in Vienna and resurfaced in Syria back in April. One month later, 16-year-old British twins sneaked out of their home in Manchester and traveled to Syria to become Jihad brides.
As of now by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, ISIS has opened a “marriage bureau” in the northern Syrian town of Al Bab for women who want to wed a Jihad fighter in the territory they control.
What do you think about ISIS using an online campaign through social media to lure women into sex jihad? Should the government take a stand against this form of campaigning since some countries would condone such brazen acts, especially mariage of minors? Please let us know in the comments below.
[Images via Bing and Interpol]