Sylvester Stallone has opened up about his failed attempt to land a part in Star Wars .
During an interview on Thursday night’s The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon , Stallone recounted how he knew instantly that he wouldn’t be getting the role of Han Solo — which, ironically, ultimately went to his Expendables 3 co-star, Harrison Ford.
Stallone declared that as soon as he walked into the casting room he could tell that he wasn’t going to be hired. George Lucas, who wrote and directed the 1977 blockbuster, as well as his fellow producers, were clearly exhausted after a full day of auditioning and Sly could immediately tell that they weren’t a fan of him for the part.
The Rocky icon admitted that this uneasy feeling in the room meant he didn’t even begin to read the script because he knew that he simply wasn’t right. “Let me just make it easy for you,” Stallone recalled telling Lucas and his gaggle of Star Wars producers. “I would look like crap in spandex leotards and a ray gun. Guys in space don’t have this face, I get it.”
However, Stallone obviously doesn’t hold a grudge against either Lucas or Ford although Star Wars went on to become one of the most important, and profitable, movies of its era. Both Ford and Stallone went on to have stellar careers.
Meanwhile, it sounds as if Stallone is prepared to bring another his characters back to the big screen. A couple of months back, rumors began to circulate that Stallone is set to bring John Rambo back for a fifth installment. In 2008, Stallone starred in a fourth film, which, despite only receiving mixed reviews upon its release, has grown to be a cult classic because of it unbridled violence.
Avi Lerner, who produced the most recent Rambo film as well as The Expendables , released a statement regarding a fifth film back in June:
“With ‘Rambo V’ Sylvester Stallone returns in his iconic role. This time he goes up against a Mexican cartel. Stallone, who has also written the screenplay, describes the new Rambo as his version of ‘No Country for Old Men.’ Like the last film, ‘Rambo V’ is produced by Avi Lerner (‘The Expendables 1-3’)”
Previously Stallone also declared that he was interested in returning to the character too:
“I know there is [another story to tell]. It’s one thing where you lay down the final culmination of your life where you can articulate it, but also act on it where [Rambo] realizes what his destiny really is. It’s not to be a farmer, it’s not to be obscure; it’s to go out in a blaze of glory in a heroic fashion. But is he really doing it for himself or is he doing it because that’s just his id? That’s who he is.”