Michael Moore, outspoken creator of films including Roger and Me and Fahrenheit 911 , has announced on his Facebook page that his divorce from wife, Kathleen Glynn, is final after over 22 years of marriage. While the announcement is on Michael Moore’s Facebook page, and appears to be Michael Moore’s post, it is written in the third person and wrapped in quotes, saying:
“Kathleen and Michael have mutually and amicably reached a divorce settlement.”
Along with this message, Moore has also included a link to Bruce Springsteen’s show stopping live hit, Rosalita. The relevance of the song to Michael Moore’s divorce is up to interpretation and/or debate, but Springsteen reportedly once called the song, “A kiss-off to everybody who counted you out, put you down, or decided you weren’t good enough.”
With this in mind, one can speculate that Michael Moore no longer felt he was getting the proper support of now ex-wife Kathleen, or maybe it’s aimed at everyone that has been speculating about his messy divorce . Either way, the fat lady has sung as far as Michael Moore’s marriage is concerned, and while Moore says the settlement has been reached “mutually and amicably,” there were also reportedly bumps in the road on the way there.
According to the Washington Post , details of the feud between Michael Moore and Kathy have been leaking out since their march toward divorce hit the courts. Rumors of various disagreements, from career conflicts to when Michael actually left Kelly, were said to plague the unhappy couple.
But the source of real contention came with additions Kelly made on their Central Lake lake front home in Michigan. The McMansion type changes didn’t sit well with the notoriously liberally crusading Michael Moore, who has fashioned a persona of being part of the 99 percent, not the evil money hoarding, mansion building 1 percenters.
The Detroit News reports that reaching the divorce settlement saved Michael Moore from having to go to trial which would’ve hung out all his finances, dirty laundry and lavish lifestyle for all to see. This wouldn’t have jived with Moore’s chubby physique, ever-present baseball cap, guy next door look he portrays.
With nine properties in Michigan and New York and other holdings, Michael Moore and Kathy Glynn are said to be worth about $50 million dollars.
“It’s a big thing,” fellow Central Lake resident Sheila Cockerline told the Detroit News while at a public boat launch site near Michale Moore’s home. “He’s a big player, our local celebrity.”
Moore told the court that his wife was to blame for the colossal additions to the 10,000-square-foot house, which is said to be worth $2 million dollars.
Michael Moore also presented six 2011 media reports that harangued him for always demonizing the wealthy and being such an outspoken advocate for the poor while living in such an ostentatious estate.
And finally, Michael Moore frustratingly told the court that the expansion cost five times more than his wife said it was going to.
“(Glynn) unilaterally wasted a large percentage of the marital fund,” wrote one of Moore’s attorneys.
Michael Moore’s concerns about his humble reputation were well-founded by the views of another local, Gary Tracy, owner of Bellaire Bait and Tackle.
“He criticizes capitalism, but capitalism made him rich,” said Tracy. “Why he decided to live in this conservative area, I have no idea.”
The controversial property has turrets, bay windows and hand-cut timber framing, according to one of its builders, and appears to be two large houses “joined at the hip,” with another house gracing the acreage as well.
Also reportedly gracing the acreage, along side Michael Moore, have been Madonna, Bruce Willis, and Kid Rock.
So while he shouldn’t be expecting any sympathy cards from Charlton Heston , Michael Moore has proven a resilient voice that divorce likely won’t silence.
Image via ar15.com