The remains of a body found in a black plastic bag in mainland Mexico are thought to possibly be those of missing American Harry Devert, a former New York day trader turned adventurer who went missing in Mexico toward the end of January, reports CNN .
While the remains have not yet been confirmed to be those of the 32-year-old Devert, his green Kawasaki motorcycle was found next to the remains, off a dirt road leading to La Majahua beach, north of Zijuatenejo, according to Mexican officials.
The found Kawasaki’s vehicle I.D. matched that of the motorcycle Harry Devert had purchased, his mother, Ann Devert, related to the Daily Mail , also noting: “The remains have been transported to a morgue in Zihuatanejo. I’ve heard word that the state of decomposition is about five months.”
Harry Devert, had been traveling and adventuring through Europe and South Asia for over five years prior to his January disappearance in Mexico. He had citizenships in both the U.S. and France and his friends and family followed his adventures via his blog, .
For his latest adventure, Harry Devert had planned to ride through both Central and South America, ultimately arriving in Brazil for the currently unfolding World Cup, then riding on until South America ran out. In an October 19 post, Devert wrote:
“I’ve never ridden a motorcycle. Mostly, naturally, because I don’t know how. So tomorrow I’m going to go to the DMV, get my motorcycle permit, buy a bike and hopefully figure out how to ride it home without crashing. Which I’m sure will be an adventure in itself. Then in the next 2 or 3 weeks I’m going to drive it across America, through Central America, down to Brazil for the World Cup, and eventually south to Ushuaia, which as far as I can tell from a map is about as far south as one can get on the continent.”
Unfortunately, someone, or some situation, derailed Devert’s plans; his girlfriend in New York reportedly received a disturbing text from Harry, saying he was being escorted out of a perilous region in Mexico:
“Just got an hour and a half long escort out of some area it was too dangerous for me to be,” wrote Devert. “Stopping for lunch and… voila Internet…. Gonna get back on the road soon. Apparently there’s another military escort waiting for me in some other town… I’m running way late because of the crazy military stuff…hopefully get a chance to talk to you tonight when I (hopefully) finally arrive.”
This was the last anyone heard from Harry Devert, despite intense support for finding the missing American, including a Facebook page, HelpFindHarry .
Despite the unidentified remains being found with Harry Devert’s motorcycle, hope and prayers from his family and friends appear to be strong, alive and well, both for Harry and his mom, Ms. Devert. From the HelpFindHarry page:
“Hope and Prayers are needed today….. from each and every one of the good people who have shared stories, spent time to respond or send a note…..they really have meant so much to all of us…. Ann, Harrys very much loved Mom, is getting ready to travel to Mexico and do what every Mom would do to find her son. I ask that you please keep Ann in your prayers, There is always hope for Harry, so please pray and hope.”
Some of this hope is based on the possibility that Harry may be being held at a ranch by a criminal gang, and the placement of the unidentifiable body with Harry’s motorcycle is just a deceptive trick by the gang meant to delay a pending raid on the ranch, known to hold kidnapping victims.
“I’m saying 55 (percent) that it is Harry,” said Ms. Devert. “But I’m holding on to that 45 (percent).”
Mexico has been plagued by drug cartel violence for years that has claimed thousands of lives. Hopefully Ms. Devert’s 45 percent hope is correct and Harry Devert will be found, alive, soon.
Images via Facebook