I know, I know- who would have thought Christine O’Donnell might not be entirely truthful and straightforward in her book, Troublemaker: Let’s Do What it Takes to Make America Great Again .
O’Donnell- whose campaign seems to have hinged largely on a loosely strung series of uninformed political concepts as well as a fierce denial that she practiced witchcraft in any form- burst onto the political scene in Delaware and then nationwide when older clips of her on shows like Politically Incorrect hosted by Bill Maher began circulating. O’Donnell surprised political analysts by winning the state’s primary, but ultimately lost to Democrat Chris Coons when the election rolled around.
In Christine O’Donnell’s new book, it’s probably no surprise she pins her loss squarely upon the controversial “I am not a witch” ad, and not her weak political background, affiliation with the Tea Party and general lack of suitability for office. But she also makes some claims that have caused people in her local party to cry “bullshit” and even, uncharacteristically for Republicans, resort to facts to refute O’Donnell’s allegations.
One example pointed out is O’Donnell’s whinging about her maverick campaign being snubbed… except the alleged snubber wasn’t present at the function during which O’Donnell claimed the faux pas occurred:
Among other things, O’Donnell claims former Delaware GOP chairman Tom Ross snubbed her at a 2008 fundraiser by acknowledging all the Republican candidates in attendance except her while introducing Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour.
But Ross does not recall speaking at the fundraiser, and an audio recording released Monday by Maria Evans, Lee’s communications director at the time, shows Barbour was introduced by former congressman Mike Castle.
Perhaps her recall of that night in particular isn’t very decent?
O’Donnell also writes that Barbour said from the podium that the party should be proud to have her as a candidate.
On the recording, Barbour says of O’Donnell only that she once worked with him at the Republican National Committee.
Among other claims in the book, O’Donnell says she was left bereft and directionless in 2008, without a future plan- but emails reveal she had intent to run for a seat in either the House or the Senate during that time.