Controversy seems to brewing over picture posted on to Twitter that showed a dead rodent inside a Chop’t wrap ordered by a customer. The incident allegedly took place at the Chop’t store at 80 Pine Street in Manhattan, New York, reports The Gothamist .
Originally posted by Twitter user Steve Henderson to his Twitter account (@stevehenderso), the tweet said;
“My colleague ordered a wrap and got a rat @Chopt.”
The original Tweet that showed a rodent inside the wrap at Chop’t
Also attached was a picture of the offensively cute rodent resting in peace inside the innards of the wrap. Another picture of the same wrap with the mouse (rat?) inside was posted by another user Julia Casteleiro ( @Jcassssss ). Both the tweets claimed that the dead rodent was found inside a wrap ordered at Chop’t by one of their friends.
As you would have expected from a tweet like this, it was quickly picked up by other Twitter users and resulted in a hashtag named #ratwrap2014.
Folks from over at The Gothamist in the meantime decided to do a bit of research of their own and figured out that the restaurant, Chop’t has received an “A” rating from the New York City Department Of Health And Mental Hygiene. This should normally mean you would receive hygienic wraps from this outlet. The last check was carried out in September 2013, though.
They also contacted the store – only to find that they were closed for the day. Calls were also left unanswered. The owner of the Chop’t store, Tony Shure, said that he “was aware” of the incident but refused to divulge anything further – except that they were closed for the day for “doing a deep clean.”
They also contacted the original tweeter and asked him about it. However, Steven Henderson not only refused to divulge details about his friend who got the rodent laden wrap, he also deleted his original tweet with the picture of the wrap. He has also since then deleted all other related tweets from his ID. A photo posted by Julia Casteleiro too has been deleted.
Henderson also refused to answer questions and told reporters that he has had “enough of this topic” for the day. He claimed that his tweet caused quite an uproar and that he simply wants to move on and get on with his work. Julia seems to be a bit more forthcoming – but told that she too wants to put #ratwrap2014 behind her and move on. Both the people who posted images of the wrapped rodent have also refused to reveal the identity of their friend which is forcing people to think all this was a cleverly orchestrated stunt.
Do you think all this was a hoax story – probably fueled by the restaurant’s competition? Or do you trust the people who posted pictures of the wrap with the dead rodent? People finding weird things inside food is nothing new – but a rodent inside a wrap?! How could someone miss that?