Casey Anthony not only got away with the murder of daughter Caylee Anthony , it looks like she’s also gotten away with stiffing the court system over her check-fraud case for which she was found guilty and sentenced to time in jail.
Among costs Anthony has not paid include $5,517 in investigative bills which Judge Stan Strickland told her to pay according to a Jan. 25, 2010 court transcript, but then uncertainty about the actual prosecution cost arose and the defense was suppose to work with prosecutors to determine the actual amount owed, a discussion between both parties which has not yet occurred.
Anthony has also failed to pay $348 in court costs, an amount that was due within 90 days of sentencing, although an Arizona man apparently paid $10 towards the fee.
Casey then was suppose to pay $20 per month for supervision costs but that was waived by the Florida Department of Corrections and its Probation & Parole Services because she was in jail and lacked any type of income.
As if Casey not paying her legal bills was not enough, the state picked up $118,847 in legal costs when it was determined she couldn’t pay her defense costs, even though she had received $5,000 from a private donor and $200,000 from ABC News for her family photos and videos along with $70,000 from attorney Todd Macaluso.
Between private and public funding Casey Anthony has spent $400,000 on her defense over a three-year period.
It’s still unclear how much of the money Casey Anthony has received from media and other outlets will go to pay for legal expenses, however an investigation is currently being undertaken to determine her fiscal responsibility.