Samantha Ronson was pulled over and arrested on Monday morning for driving a vehicle while drunk in San Bernardino County. Ronson was pulled over at 10:31am and police documents show that the 33-year-old DJ had a blood alcohol content over 0.08 percent, the legal limit in California before a DUI is charged.
After bail was posted Ronson was released just before 6 p.m. the same day.
According to reports the DJ “admitted she had consumed alcohol early [that] morning or late last night, and was on her way home [from Las Vegas]” according to an officer. “She went to bed and got up this morning and was on her way home.”
Ronson is the ex-girlfriend of Lindsey Lohan, the couple dated for several years and have been seen hanging out on various occasions since their breakup, Ronson is also a popularly requested DJ who often spins in Las Vegas and other locations around the world.