Prepare yourselves: Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are thinking about having kids.
Although the thought of the reality TV “stars” having babies is enough to make some people weep for the future of humanity, apparently it’s going to happen. Maybe not tomorrow, but rest assured that the couple will join forces for a kid at some point down the road. We apologize if this news gives you a serious case of the heebie-jeebies.
According to MTV , Heidi Montag recently revealed her desire to have a child after someone asked a very pointed question on Twitter. Instead of ignoring the tweet or giving a vague and cryptic answer, Montag got right to the point .
“ @afeleki84 : @heidimontag @spencerpratt u 2 have a kid?” Yes! Hopefully soon!
— Heidi Montag (@heidimontag) June 17, 2014
While Heidi Montag seems to think something might start brewing in her baby oven sometime soon, this is definitely a different story from the one the couple told earlier this year. Starcasm points out that Montag and Pratt previously said they didn’t have children on the schedule anytime soon.
Spencer explained:
“I wouldn’t want to be Spencer Pratt’s kid… I don’t want to have my kid having to Google his parents and be like, ‘Oh my God.’ I do have a whole lot of concerns about having children, but I’ve decided I don’t have a whole lot of say in the matter!”
Did Montag’s recent appearance on Celebrity Wife Swap change her mind? The Inquisitr previously reported that Heidi had an absolute blast on the reality TV series, an adventure that may have prompted Montag and Pratt to rethink their family plans.
Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt to Appear on (US) Celebrity Wife Swap, god help the couple they swap with!
— Big Brother Xtra (@BigBrotherXtra) June 4, 2014
Heidi said of the recent experience:
“People are really excited about this, which I’m really glad about because it’s my favorite thing that we’ve ever done within our careers. My mom saw the preview and she told me, ‘I can tell this is the first opportunity that you’ve ever had to be you.’ It’s just great to have that moment. It was really fun to just be more authentic and be in a situation and see what happens. I’m shocked at how amazing it was. I’m really thrilled with everything, from beginning to end.”
What do you think about Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt starting a family? Do you think they would make good parents?
[Image via Featureflash / ]