Frances Bean Cobain Addresses Lana Del Rey’s Comments About Kurt, Dying Young

After star Lana Del Rey quotes from an interview about stardom (and death) went viral, Frances Bean Cobain — the daughter of late Nirvana star Kurt Cobain — has commented upon the portion of the discussion that referenced her deceased father.

In the interview to which Frances Bean refers, Lana Del Rey was asked about stars like Cobain and Amy Winehouse, both of whom died before the age of 30. In comments later disputed by the singer as being taken out of context and as deliberately induced by the interviewer, she said:

“I wish I was dead already.”

Unlike many fans of Kurt Cobain, Lana Del Rey has a uniquely public platform — and inevitably, Frances Bean Cobain was made aware of what were likely quite upsetting remarks about the untimely death of her father.

On Twitter, Cobain weighed in on the romanticization of dying young — as her dad was 27, the age of many other lauded musicians — when he died.

Frances began, opining across three tweets:

The tweets angered fans of Lana Del Rey, and Cobain interrupted herself for a brief defense:

Quite kindly considering the nature of the controversy, she again addressed the young star:

Finally, Frances added:

Earlier, Del Rey had objected to the interview’s content, saying:

“I regret trusting The Guardian. I didn’t want to do an interview, but the journalist was persistent. [The writer] was masked as a fan, but was hiding sinister ambitions and angles. Maybe he’s actually the boring one looking for something interesting to write about.”

Lana Del Rey has not responded to Frances Bean Cobain or replied to her tweets.

[Image: Frances Bean Cobain, Twitter]

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