If wolves attack a human being, it typically isn’t something you want to see.
But then, you’ve never watched the video of a gamekeeper returning from her maternity leave to the Polar Park Arctic Wildlife Centre in Bardu, Troms (Norway).
The woman’s name is Anita, and according to the YouTube video, she was returning from a two-month break. Anita’s normal duties included working with this particular pack of wolves.
And no, we don’t mean wolf-dogs , but the scary, horrifying, monster-movie kind.
That’s at least the way something like this is supposed to go. However, when these wolves attack Anita, they only have one thing in mind: love.
The amazing interaction between woman and beast was posted to YouTube in 2010, but didn’t go viral until this weekend when it hit the front page of Reddit.
It’s now up to almost 4.6 million views, along with nearly 10,000 comments on YouTube and 454 on Reddit. We’ll get to some of our favorites in a moment, but first, here’s the video:
Now as you can see, these guys are still wolves, and they’re not above snapping at each other, especially when it comes to Anita. We would suggest not trying to recreate this scene yourself, or it probably would turn in to a horror movie.
For now, however, commenters across the web are feeling all cuddly about this particular attack (and we are, too):
RiotOf TheWolves comments: “I always love watching pack dynamics in play when wolves greet people they obviously care for. The highest ranking wolf greets first, followed by the others. The lowest ranking doesn’t even bother getting up close and personal for a while and then gets chased off each time.”
brenda c.: “She was breathing, needing to take in more oxygen. Lots of courage and compassion so that we could see that wolves are capable of complex emotional responses; happy and crying to see her at the same time. Much respect, Anita.”
FIERO871: “The wolves like Anita more than they like each other.”
kampuskop: “What amazes me about this video, is how they bring those weapons to bare against each other, but not her. Crazy!”
PanzerBlitz43: “This is why any pea brained fat headed loser in life who takes up a gun against a wolf should be treated as a criminal and shoved head first into a frozen lake and that includes any of his pea brained fat headed friends in local governments.”
Did you expect wolves attacking a human to turn out this cute?
[Image via Polar Park ]