Meet K-Fed’s new Girlfriend: Victoria Prince

Published on: December 18, 2008 at 4:45 AM

There were some rumors that Kevin Federline may have gotten back together with Britney Spears but those were squashed today when it was revealed that K-Fed is dating Victoria Prince.

Victoria is a statueque blonde, bolley ballplayer. She must be handy with the balls because she is on K-Feds bowlng team and they are coming second in their competitin at the moment.

When Victoria is not playing volleyball, she enjoys boating, jet skiing, and outdoor activities. I guess she can add enjoying K-Fed to that list. Its lucky Britney is in Japan, cause her reaction won’t seem quite so crazy over there.

Anyway good luck Victoria, K-Fed is a catch – if you like that kind of thing. Do use protection though cause the man is a sperminator.

More Victoria Prince pictures

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