Banner Ads: Are You More Likely to Survive a Plane Crash Than Click One?

Lots of web users seem to just visually skim over banners and ads placed strategically on websites.

Pretty much no one clicks them, so it would seem. A company called Solve Media has put together a bunch of statistics- without context- of all the things you are more likely to do than purposely click on a banner ad. The company that piled the statistics is one that has a bit of an interest in bashing banner ads, as they sell in-CAPTCHA ads, but they’re amusing to look at nonetheless.

Among the things you are supposedly more likely to do than click a banner ad are giving birth to twins, completing Navy SEAL training and climbing Mount Everest. (Which does seem a bit less likely than getting sucked in by a promotion for Pajama Jeans.)

Images below, do you think the stats are accurate?

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