Google Glass is the hottest new breastfeeding accessory! The Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) stated that “the benefit of Google Glass is its hands-free capabilities, so mums can focus on holding their baby.” Small World, in collaboration with the ABA, is working on a project that will teach mothers about breastfeeding basics using the hottest wearable technology from Google, according to HLN .
“In Australia each year, we have 300,000 babies born who could benefit from your courageous efforts in participating in this world first trial,” Small World said on their Vimeo release. Thanks to the project, breastfeeding mothers will have access to trained consultants that will be able to guide the woman about specific concerns such as breastfeeding holds and proper breastfeeding latch through a private and secure video stream. Women will no longer have to travel to clinics or wait for consultants to schedule a home visit. Help will be available for the breastfeeding mother on demand.
Breastfeeding may seem simple, but many new moms have trouble. New moms don’t have a community of women all living in groups like we used to in order to ask for help. Social media lends some assistance, but without actually seeing the problem in real-time, sincere coaching can be difficult.
Breast feeding glasses give supporter birds eye view
— MilkMatters (@Milk_Matters) January 19, 2014
One of the breastfeeding moms who participated in the breastfeeding program’s trial run said, ‘”For some users, especially those in remote locations or without a support network close by, it may be their only access to maternal health advice,” according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
“The trial allowed mothers to see visual step-by-step instructions as they began learning to breastfeed,” wrote the ABA wrote. “Mothers could also securely video call an ABA volunteer counselor who could view the mother’s issue through Glass’s camera (whether it be latching on, mastitis etc) and give the mother immediate suggestions.”
With a 1500 dollar price tag for Glass, breastfeeding moms might heed one more bit of advice: Babies start the “grab and toss” game young, a nursing necklace might spare the Google Glass! Jillian Sands, with Small World Social did say in an email, “In Australia we are exploring setting up a free or low cost loan scheme of Google Glass for women that will be run through the not-for-profit service of the Australian Breastfeeding Association.” There are also plans to offer this service stateside! For more information about the Small World Social and Australian Breastfeeding Association’s Google Glass collaboration, interested parties can visit their websites. [Images via Small World Social Vimeo ]