Jessica Alba is ordinarily known as the actress behind the Fantastic Four franchise, but now Alba is involved in an important campaign. The mother of two has joined with a brand campaign that urges woman to support each other in achievements while breaking free from self-doubt.
Pairing up with Braun, Alba was named their beauty ambassador, who will appear in print, TV, and online ad campaigns for the German company. The company sells hair dryers, and hair straighteners.
According to Braun’s Alessandra Dolfini :
“Jessica Alba is a strong, passionate woman and an advocate for others — she is the perfect ambassador to talk about the role beauty and our products play in helping women to feel their best.”
As part of the campaign, Jessica and Braun launched a #Breakfree mantra, which calls women to support each other to break free from self-doubt.
Research has showed that females experience self-doubt through fear of judgement by their peers, so encouragement from peers, especially other females helps women break free and be their ultimate best self. The research found by Female First is on point in the message that Jessica Alba is promoting. According to the site:
“62% of British women said they most valued endorsement from female friends, colleagues and mothers of their children’s friends and 87% of British women admitted they would be more likely to do a good job if they received a positive compliment beforehand.”
As Braun’s new Beauty Ambassador, Alba said of the #Breakfree campaign :
“I completely relate to feelings of self-doubt and feeling judged but, happily, I also know personally how wonderfully empowering female positive reinforcement is. I’m asking women to say, show and share their support to female friends, family, colleagues – sisters everywhere. Let’s give each other the confidence to break free from self-doubt and all walk that little bit taller. Think of a woman you admire today and tell her!”
Global Braun Marketing Director explained just how important this campaign is for women:
“Our campaign is about encouraging women to express positivity towards each other and stop judgment. We are launching this campaign with the hashtag #breakfree. We want to spark a positivity chain whereby women share messages of support with women they admire and respect – let’s start a sisterhood movement that’s too irresistible to stop.”
When she’s not campaigning, Jessica Alba is still a busy actress. This year she has Dear Eleanor and Stretch ready to hit theaters.
[Image credit: Miramax]