Canon cameras used in making the Iron Man 3 movie were apparently instrumental in creating the CGI special effects.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Canon cameras will now be made by robots instead of human employees .
Unfortunately, none of those robots will resemble Iron Man, although that would be pretty frickin’ awesome. But they still managed to make Iron Man look pretty.
Iron Man 3 visual effects supervisor Christopher Townsend said the Canon cameras were picked out because they “gave us the main things we needed, which were detail, sharpness and resolution.” They specifically picked out the three pound Canon EOS C300 cameras because it integrates Canon’s Super 35mm CMOS sensor modeled after the Super 35mm motion picture film standard. If you’ll recall, Iron Man 3 featured many darkly colored scenes so Canon’s Digic DV III Image Processor provided good image capture even in low-light environments.
So how were the Canon cameras used in practice? Townsend says:
“The Canon EOS C300 witness cameras were placed on either side of our main picture camera and they recorded exactly what the picture camera was seeing, but from slightly different angles. Then, using various software programs and hard work, we were able to triangulate exactly where a person was in space at any particular moment, and then overlay a CGI ‘character’ on top of the.”
But these Canon cameras were not the primary filming cameras used for their footage. Still, Townsend says the “Canon EOS C300 camera footage worked very well with the footage from our primary capture cameras” because of the similar formatting of the video footage.