Vladimir Putin has been accused of being gay by a new biography. It also alleges that the Russian President did not have an affair with Olympic gymnast, Alina Kabaeva, which was highly publicised by his PR team because of his homosexual tendencies.
The new book, which is simply entitled, “ Putin ,” also claims that his numerous affairs have been fabricated and the “lonely politician” actually prefers the company of animals to humans instead.
Moscow political scientist, Stanislav Belkovsky has written the book and he believes that the “traumatised” Putin is actually homosexual and actually finds sex “alien.”
Belkovsky also criticises Putin’s family history , simply labelling the Russian President as the weak son of an alcoholic whose childhood trauma are the reason for his complicated issues. As you would expect, Belkovsky’s book has outraged the Kremlin, who are now looking to block its publication.
Belkovsky writes, “The small Vladimir, who grew up practically without a father and without the love and care of his parents, was a withdrawn and grim child.”
He then adds, “Putin was born the son of an alcoholic two years before his official birth date. His mother had moved to Georgia with Vladimir, only for the child to be shunted off to Leningrad a short time later to the couple who would become the official parents of the future president.”
According to the writer he has spent all of his life looking for a “surrogate family.” Over time he has found one in the shape of Roman Abramovich, who is the owner of Chelsea football club and is regarded as a brother by Putin. While, Boris Yeltsin is regarded as a surrogate father to Putin.
Belkovsky also claims that Putin “flees from people” and has obligations to nature which help to cover the fact that he is a “deeply lonely politician.”
This has lead Putin’s PR team to orchestrate numerous stories that elevate his sexual prowess, which includes an affair with the Olympic champion, Kabaeva. Belkovsky never goes as far as to actually confirm that Putin is homosexual, but he does write, “Sex and a sex life to him are alien,” before speculating he is “latently gay.”
Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, responded to these allegations by noting, “Belkovsky’s remarks are lacking any basis, or as we say it in Russia: They are total rubbish.” Putin was married to Lyudmila Putina from 1983-2013, until they divorced on June 6, 2013, and they have two children in their late twenties.
[Image via Kaliva /Shutterstock]